Antique & Vintage News

  • What is USSR in Russian?

    USSR (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) is in Russian CCCP (Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик), Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik or shortened to the Soviet Union (Russian: Сове́тский Сою́з), Sovetskij Soyuz. It existed between 1922 and 1991 and it’s a union of multiple subnational Soviet republics, its government and economy were highly centralized in Moscow. Former… Read more

  • Estonian Song Celebration

    Since I live in Estonia I visited the Estonian Song Celebration in Tallinn yesterday. The Estonian Song Celebration (Laulupidu) is a unique event, which every five years brings together a huge choir of 25,000 people for a weekend in July. More than 100,000 spectators enjoy the concerts and sing along to the most popular songs.… Read more

  • Where is Estonia?

    Estonia is a small country located in northern Europe. It covers an area of just 45,227 km2 (17,413 sq mi) and has a population of about 1.35 million. The country has a long history, and the territory was long sort after because it was seen as a strategically important area. In the last century the… Read more

  • What is the difference between USSR, Soviet Union and Russia?

    USSR = Soviet Union = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics now Russia = Russian Federation in times of USSR Russia = RSFSR = Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and was part of USSR before USSR Russia = Russian Empire Russia is the modern country name. It’s like France or Spain. The name of the country.… Read more

  • USSR breaks down

    In December of 1991 the Soviet Union (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or U.S.S.R.) was officially dissolved.  From it emerged Russia (the Russian Federation) and a number of independent countries in Central Asia and Eastern Europe (shown in greens in the map).  In addition the countries of Eastern Europe were freed from Soviet military… Read more

  • My grandpa was a sailor

    My grandpa is about 18 in this picture taken in 1930. He is just in the beginning of his sailor career in many years in the most various seas over the world. He sails on different sailing ships and steamships until the WWII. First, he is just a ship’s boy, then a stoker and finally a… Read more